Privacy Policy


Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this website. By using this website, you agree to be abided by the terms and conditions set out below.

Privacy Policy

SARAWAK FORESTRY Corporation (SFC) is committed to protect the privacy and security of any personal data that Company may provide through the forms/surveys posted on-line. Personal data includes information that can be linked or directed to a specific individual for example name, address, phone number or email address. Should SFC asks the Company to provide certain information by which an individual/personnel can be identified when using this website, then the Company can be assured that it will only be used for such purpose it is requested.

In accordance with Personal Data Protection Act 2010 of Malaysia (PDPA), any personal data provided by the Company shall be protected according to the Act and SFC shall not be held liable nor responsible for any information and/or contents in this Form/surveys that has been revealed and/or abused at large and/or already within public knowledge and for any risks and/or occurrences by publishing any of the contents and information given herein. All the information provided by the Company is for the utilization of SFC and its verified strategic partners.

Request for access to and correction of any information submitted can be directed to us at

Your Privacy

This site is to explain the privacy policy which includes the use and the protection of information submitted by the visitor. If you make any transaction or send e-mails which contain personal information, this information may be shared with other public agencies to help us to provide better and effective service.

Information gathered

No personal data will be collected while browsing this website unless information provided by you through e-mails or online application.

What will happen if I were to make links to other website?

The website has links to other websites. The privacy policy is only applicable for this website. Other websites linked may have their own Privacy Policy which differs from our policy and users are advised to read through and understand the Privacy Policy for every website visited.

Amendments Policy

If the Privacy Policy is amended, the amendments will be updated for this website. While browsing through this website, you will be noted with the relevant information gathered, the way that the information is used depending on the situation, and how the information is shared with others.

Security Policy

All content, including information, text, images, logos, graphics, sound files, video files and their arrangement, and material in this website is owned by SARAWAK FORESTRY Corporation (SFC). No part or parts of this website may be modified, copied, distributed, retransmitted, broadcasted, displayed, published, licensed, transferred, sold or commercially dealt with in any manner without explicit written permission in advance from SFC. Similarly, reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in any form without the prior written permission of SFC is prohibited except in accordance with the following permission.

SFC reserves the right to revise the contents or withdraw access to them at any time. SFC assumes no responsibility for material created or published by third parties that SFC's pages have a link to as the material has not been verified or authenticated by SFC.

Contributing and disseminating of prohibited information and negative materials contrary to the country's policies are prohibited.

Spreading of information with political overtones, seditious or racist or whichever that affects the SFC's reputation is prohibited.

Visitors must ensure files attached are free of viruses.

Visitors are fully responsible for information keyed-in.

All information to be uploaded to SFC's website must have the approval of Division/Department Head.

Websites of agencies or companies that require a link to SFC's website or portal must have the approval of the Corporate Communications Manager.

Breaking or hacking attempts into SFC's website are prohibited.